
Indian Society for Rational Pharmacotherapeutics (ISRPT)

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ExPharm Prize

Dr. R. Raveendran, former Professor & Head of Pharmacology, JIPMER, Pondicherry instituted the prize by donating Rs 200,000/= from the royalty proceeds of the sale of his software ExPharm Pro. 

Rules and Regulations:

  • The prize will be called ExPharm Prize.
  • It will be given to one best paper presented in an exclusive oral session in ISRPT annual conference.
  • The contestant must be a life member of the society or at least paid the fees for life-membership and awaiting approval of his/her membership. A member can submit only one entry.
  • Only the registered delegates of the conference will be allowed to present papers in the prize session. They should submit the full paper of the entry at least two months before the conference.
  • All the submitted entries will be assessed by a team of experts (judges) assigned by the organizers of the conference & ISRPT. The decision of the experts are final and binding.
  • In view of poor quality of submitted abstracts/ oral presentation, ISRPT, on consultation with the judges and the organizers, may withhold the prize on any year.



JIPMER Prize : This is awarded for best poster presentation in the ISRPT annual conference.

Rules and Regulations:

  • The prize will be called JIPMER Prize.
  • It will be given to one best paper presented in Poster session in ISRPT annual conference.
  • The contestant must be a life member of the society or at least paid the fees for life-membership and awaiting approval of his/her membership. A member can submit only one entry.
  • Only the registered delegates of the conference will be allowed to present papers in the prize session.
  • All the submitted entries will be screened by a committee appointed by the Executive Committee and not more than 8 entries will be selected for the final presentation in the conference by the committee.
  • A panel of three judges appointed by the Executive Committee will judge the presentations in the conference and the best poster will be selected based on the total scores given for each poster by the screening committee and the panel of judges.
  • The above rules and regulations may be amended by the Executive Committee (in consultation with Dr. Gitanjali in her lifetime). The amendments should be approved by the General Body of ISRPT.
  • In case of poor quality of submitted abstracts/ poster presentation, ISRPT, on consultation with the judges and the organizers, may withhold the prize on any year.



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